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Lesson 4

When size really does matter...

This section isn't going to take too long. If you've got as far as this and you've been able to pick it up, then you mustn't be too clueless!!

Quite simply, to make your text the size you want it, you need to type "<font size="4">" (or 6, or 8, or 48...whatever size you like!!!). If you have stated what colour text you want, the easiest way to do this is ADD it to the font colour tag like this: "<font color="red" size="4">".

Remember, save your notepad and refresh the html page (MyPage.html) on your computer to see the latest changes!!!

I don't think I need to say anything more about font size!!!!

Now for the text style...

We don't always want plain old boring fonts. You can select what font style you want to use quite easily. You can add this to your font colour tag as well. Let's say you like this font. This is Comic Sans, and you use it by typing
"<font face="comic sans ms">".

To add it to the font colour tag, you would type "<font colour="red" face="comic sans ms">".
If you have the size as well, it would look like this: "<font color="red" size="4" face="comic sans ms">".

As not all computers have the same fonts installed, if someone goes to your site who doesn't have the font you choose then the font will be displayed as the default (standard) font. The way around this one is to choose several fonts in your font face tag. For instance, if the font I want to use on my page is BRUSH SCRIPT MT but I know not all computer users will have that font installed and I don't want them to view the page in a plain font, I will choose a second one to use for those that don't have it. As a second choice, I want ALGERIAN. What you do is put both in your font face tag, and the computer will display the font in the first style that is listed. If that font isn't installed on the computer, then it looks for the second one. How you would type this is

Remember to use "</font>" at the end of the section you want to format.

Choose as many as you like, the surfer's computer will use the first style it comes across that is installed on that computer.

For a list of fonts you can use that will suit most browsers, click here.

Using bold and italics...

To make your text bold, you need to add a tag before the text you want bold. The tag you use is "<b>"

  • To make this part of the sentence bold it would look like this:

    "To <b>make this part of the sentence bold</b> it would look like this."

    The same goes with italics. The tag is "<i>". Remember you need to "close" the tag with "</i>" when you've finished the section you want in italics, the same as all tags.

  • To type this part of the sentence with italics, it would look like this:

    "To <i>type this part of the sentence with italics</i> it would look like this."

  • To use bold and italics at the same time, you would type it like this:

    <b><i>To use bold and italics at the same time, you would type it like this:</i></b>

How to underline...

Underlining uses the same theory as bold and italic text. You enclose the area you want underlined with "<u>" "</u>" tags, like this:

<u>The text between the tags is underlined</u>

<u><b>...and this is how you use another tag with the underline tag. You could use the italics tag as well...</b></u>

Pretty simple? I thought so too!!

To learn how to do other neat things with text, you need lesson 5!

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